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Explorers (12-18 months)

toddler crawling

Toddlers can be any number of things. But if there’s one thing they all have in common, it’s being active. So active, you can barely keep up with them.

But it’s not just physical activity toddlers need. It’s mental activity, as well. At this age, the first stirrings of cognition they experienced as infants are now developing more acutely. They’ve learned to respond. React. And sometimes, even repeat what they’ve been taught.

This period in your toddler’s life is where they first develop a sense of self awareness. It’s the midpoint between the absolute dependency of an infant and the burgeoning self assertion of a preschooler. And it’s at this age our educators are trained to monitor your child more closely for any signs of hindrances to their development.

Our Explorers program builds upon your child’s existing knowledge and presents new challenges, including activities to help improve coordination, increase verbal skills and solve problems creatively. In addition, our classroom introduces children to dramatic play, arts and language development.

But this stage of your child’s life is still a critical one. They may be asserting themselves, but they still need encouragement and close monitoring. And parents need to know both the obstacles and progress their child has made. We’ll continue to provide you with daily reports on all the important steps they’ve made, as well as their individual needs. All our teachers are certified in First Aid & CPR and have received all necessary state requirements early development care, as well as continued education.

What Can You Expect From Our Explorers Program?

  • The introduction of our program—the foundation for all classroom activities. Our interactive learning games successfully promote early childhood learning through play and intentional teaching moments through daily activities

  • Frog Street Curriculum, a child centered program that emphasizes all areas of development, including social and emotional skills and self-confidence building exercises

  • Sign language to strengthen early communication skills 

  • Daily activities to encourage physical development

  • Group play time

  • The same love and laughter they shared when they were babies!

A Guide To Late Infant Development

Here’s some of the specific achievements you might expect from your infant at this age. Our staff are trained to look for and notify parents when these achievements are met. Keep in mind that each emerging toddler develops at their own pace. Inability to meet these guidelines should not be considered a cause for concern:


  • Carrying large toys or several toys while walking (12-15 months)

  • Learning to walk alone without assistance (12-26 months)

  • Pulling toys behind while walking (13-16 months)

  • Learning to run or jog stiffly (16-18 months)

  • Climbing up and down from furniture without assistance (16-24 months)


  • Scribbling spontaneously (14-16 months)

Language Development

  • Following simple one or two step instructions (14-18 months)

  • Repeating words when prompted or heard (16-18 months)

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